Specialized Treatment
Every person presents differently. We have varied innate potential, levels of inflammation, scarring and pain experiences. Give yourself the opportunity to experience rehabilitation that aligns with how you uniquely present.
Pelvic Floor Patients
To Kegel or not to kegel? That's the question...right? Many pelvic floor pain states originate from tightness in the pelvic floor that is mismanaged. Prenatal, postpartum, and menopausal women will all receive specialized care to address areas of incontinence, pain and sexual intercourse.
Is sitting really the new smoking? Learn how to modify your environment to minimize inflammation and uniquely suit your body's needs. Clench your teeth and wake with headaches?Create better sleep habits to maximize your waking hours. Find treatment times that fit into your busy schedule and home visits will prevent you from wasting time commuting, parking or waiting.
Weekend warrior? Elite athlete? We all hit that point where our body just won't respond the way we want it to and injuries can be demoralizing. Get back sooner and learn strengthening, stretches and training regimens that uniquely suit your anatomy and physiology.
Cancer Survivors
You've made it through gruesome treatments that have saved your life! But, what life? Once all the pricking and prodding is done, learn how to use active tools to make your body yours once again. Lymphatic treatments are offered to manage secondary complications and safe exercise protocols get you back faster.